
31May 19

READ Saskatoon and nehiyawak Language Experience Plan for the Future

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Tansi kahkiyaw, tawaw…. Kihci tipahamatowin nikotwasik askiy… ota

Kinanastomitinawaw, Thank you Saskatoon Community Foundation.

I am so proud to be working along side READ Saskatoon, Sheryl Harrow-Yurach and Staff.

It's been on going for three years…. We’ve been assisting each other in promotion, publicity and spreading the good work that we both do in regard to language and literacy.

Our work initially started with nLE’s annual summer language camps, then moved into our current work with the ‘mini’ language experiences which take place through out the city and province. READ Saskatoon provides much needed and ‘behind the scenes’ administration.

What we are doing is reconciliation. With Saskatoon Community Foundation dollars we will be working with families in providing language programming at no cost. Together we will host two – six week Cree Language workshops, provide childcare, we will create small class sizes for optimal learning. In the end, will increase understanding and increase vocabulary of the Cree language, while at the same time enhance partnerships, friendships.

The n€Òhiyawak Language Experience is founded on n€Òhiyaw ways of being, doing, thinking and speaking. The focus of this program is to produce authentic language learning engagement. These workshops support TRC’s call for preservation of language and culture 13-17. We are creating community between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Program will start in the fall of 2019.

Once again thank you Saskatoon Community Foundation

Hiy hiy