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Code of Ethics

Foundations Learning & Skills Saskatchewan has adopted this Code of Ethics to guide its board members, committee members, staff, and volunteers in their conduct when acting on behalf of Foundations. This Code of Ethics contains broad principles reflecting the type of behaviour Foundations expects towards its members, donors, employees, peers and the public. This Code of Ethics is not intended as a stand-alone policy. It represents Foundations’ commitment to high standards and should be regarded as a minimum for expectations of performance. Board members, committee members, staff, and volunteers should:

  1. Conduct Foundations’  business in accordance with applicable legislation, regulations and fiduciary responsibilities, including: The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995 (Saskatchewan), The Saskatchewan Employment Act, The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and Saskatchewan Human Rights Legislation.
  2. Comply with Foundations’ bylaws and policies, including the Anti- harassment Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy and Confidentiality Policy.
  3. Act in the best interests of Foundations and avoid situations where their personal interests or relationships interfere with acting in good faith on behalf of Foundations.
  4. Maintain the highest standards of confidentiality regarding information obtained directly or indirectly through their involvement with Foundations. This includes information about volunteers, board members, funders, donors, related organizations, partners, employees, contractors and job applicants.
  5. Not discriminate by reason of race, religious belief, colour, gender, mental or physical disability, marital status, ancestry, age, place of origin, family status, source of income or sexual orientation.
  6. Conduct themselves professionally when representing Foundations and not harass or intimidate or behave in an offensive manner.
  7. Listen to our members and stakeholders and make all reasonable efforts to satisfy their needs and concerns within the scope of our mission.
  8. Refrain from speaking on behalf of Foundations unless authorized to do so.
  9. Follow Foundations’ prescribed policies and processes relating to internal communications when seeking information about Foundations, interacting with a staff member, volunteer or board member, and when lodging a complaint relating to a staff member, volunteer or board member.
  10. For the Board of Directors, provide credible and effective oversight of Foundations’ work without personal bias.
  11. Not accept commissions, gifts, payments, loans, promises of future benefits or other items of value from anyone who has or may seek some benefit from Foundations in return, excepting occasional gifts of nominal value that are in keeping with good business ethics.
  12. Act at all times in accordance with the highest ethical standards and in the best interests of Foundations, its members, stakeholders, donors and reputation.
  13. Honour Foundations’ commitments and promises to the best of our ability.
  14. Be accountable to adhering to this Code of Ethics. Failure to abide by this Code of Ethics may result in legal, punitive or corrective action.

March 2023 revised & adopted