
24Jun 21

READ Saskatoon kicks off $2 Million Learn Together, Grow Together Campaign with gift from Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon

Saskatoon, June 24, 2021 –READ Saskatoon participants, volunteers, and staff are incredibly grateful to the Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon for a $232,000 donation.

“Ensuring families have access to free literacy programs is important to Kinsmen members, especially with COVID adding additional stress,” said President of Kinsmen Club, Shane Baillargeon. “With more than 40 years of community literacy experience, we are very pleased to provide $232,000 to this important community partner. READ Saskatoon is positioned to quickly expand their adult, family, children, and financial literacy programs.”

READ Saskatoon plans to raise $2,000,000 this year in a major giving campaign. The funds will help individuals and families achieve their literacy goals. COVID has been very hard for many families and READ Saskatoon wants to ensure everyone has access to free community literacy opportunities throughout our province.

“In Saskatchewan, one-third of adults struggle with literacy. One-third of the province’s children arrive for their first day of kindergarten not ready to learn,” says Jarvis Pelletier, Board of Directors Chair for READ Saskatoon. “Struggling with literacy can be an extremely shame-filled, isolating experience. READ Saskatoon’s free, proven literacy programs provide opportunities for adults and families to learn and grow together. This seed gift from Kinsmen allowed the board to imagine every corner of the province having access to free community literacy programs”.

Over the next four years READ Saskatoon will:

  • Work with 20,000 people
  • Double their trained volunteers from 165 to 330; and,
  • Train 200 facilitators throughout Saskatchewan, supporting them to deliver READ Saskatoon’s children’s, family, and financial literacy programs in their communities.

“We witness the opportunities that are unlocked through our programs. Literacy strengthens the bonds within our community. When individuals succeed, families succeed. And when families succeed, our communities are all the richer for it. This is what READ Saskatoon is all about, creating a community that learns and grows together,” says Jarvis Pelletier.

About READ Saskatoon

Established in 1979, READ Saskatoon is a volunteer literacy organization that provides adult, family, and financial literacy services to individuals and families. Literacy programs are delivered by staff and trained volunteers. Their vision is to help support a community that values literacy, and they believe that lifelong habits contribute to strong and resilient communities.


Sheryl Harrow-Yurach
Executive Director, READ Saskatoon
t. 306-652-5448
[email protected]

Shane Baillargeon
President, Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon
C: 306.491.0763
[email protected]
