
17Dec 14

Mona Chappell on her experience as a volunteer tutor with READ Saskatoon

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My association with READ Saskatoon has been an incredibly rewarding experience. As a tutor, each of the learners with whom I spent time was an inspiration. How they had coped with not being able to read – not just books and the newspaper, but street signs and restaurant menus – was impressive. Even more impressive was their determination to improve their world by learning to read. They found a way to work our meetings into their already busy schedule. As I am sure all tutors would say, it is such a super feeling to know that you are helping someone reach their goal. And as we all know, those who have gone through the tutoring program say being able to read was life-changing for them.  

I want to give a pat on the back to the staff of READ Saskatoon. Your help, cooperation, and assistance in getting matched with a learner, as well as your wise suggestions for helpful programs have greatly benefited my learner and myself. It is exciting to learn about all the new programs being offered.

A promotional idea… remember the days of bumper stickers? Maybe we should start distributing bumper stickers that say, “I support READ Saskatoon”. I would be happy to have one on my car.

I’m proud to be part of READ Saskatoon.